Thursday, July 31, 2008

Single Long Stem Red Rose

Giving your wife or girlfriend roses does not require breaking the bank! Sure, having a dozen long stem red roses delivered might put a sparkle in her eye, but try sneaking in a single long stem red rose, and place it on her pillow, with a simple note that says "Thank you for being YOU, thank you for all that you are to me, I love you". I can almost guarantee that sparkle in her eye, will turn to passionate fire! ;)

A dozen red roses are 'nice', but a single red rose, with the perfect note, in the perfect spot is pure romance!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ah, it is ze love!

Romance. The diamond industry will try to convince you that a chip of carbon is the only thing that will show a woman you love her. I call bs on that one. The diamond industry is well-marketed and has done it's job to make a pretty worthless product valuable. Oh, the ladies out there are probably hating me now (well done, diamond industry!).

How about writing your wife or husband a little note to tell them how much they mean to you? Price: Zero (well, if you don't count the pencil and paper). How about telling your wife you love her? Write her a poem (the cornier the better)? You get the idea! Some other great romantic writing ideas can be found in 101 Romantic Love Letters.